Google’s Latest Broad Core and Spam Update | June 2024 Highlights
Today’s article, we will talk about how spam updates can affect a website, how you can keep your website safe from spam updates, and if your website is affected by spam updates, how you can bring back the traffic to your website. Hello everyone, Business connect Magazine In today’s article, we are analyzing the june 2024 version of the spam update.
Google’s spam policies are very clear. this is a very long and broad document in which 16 different types of spam have been described in detail. These are the following types of spam updates. These are the major categories and we have already covered most of them in this article.
Most of these spam types are such that webmasters are not aware of them. For example, people usually think that doorway pages are a new, unique method of ranking. They have seen some of their competitors and make similar pages. That’s why they also try to rank the same content by changing the name of the city, state, or country.
Maybe some websites are ranking in some topics, some niches, and there may be different reasons for that. But these are called doorway pages. Whenever Google catches this website in any update, it will throw it away. Doorway pages, you should not use it. In addition, the policies of hacked content, malicious and misleading content often annoy webmasters.
For example, a client comes to you and its content is not so good. You think that it will be fine, you make a backlink on it, do SEO, and some traffic will come. but that website is not able to grow because its content is considered by Google as spam. That’s why you should understand all these 16 policies.
So that you know that the website you are making backlinks on is not coming under spam. Now, once you understand, let’s come to the topic we will talk about what can be different in this June 2024 update of spam. Remember, Google has said that the spam update rollout started on June 20 and ended on June 27.
But what was in this update? Google does not tell this. Google tells very little about this. SEO has taken it as a calendar. So we have to do this work ourselves. If you go back 2-3 months ago, there were a lot of announcements in the big core update in March. In which scaled content abuse was a very big factor.
Scaled content abuse means when websites were writing and posting content on a large scale using AI tools like ChatGPT or Gemini. This was the update that was misleading them. Let’s take a break here and read carefully. We have to focus on this word on a large scale. Google has not said that when there will be AI content on any website, we will remove it.
In fact, if a website is just printing hundreds of thousands of pages every day on the basis of AI, Google has taken out this scaled content abuse policy to attack it. In addition, site reputation abuse was also announced by Google during this March update. Suppose a tech blog suddenly starts publishing information about Amazon’s discount coupon on a subdomain.
This means that it is misusing the authority of the main website to rank useless content and printing money. This kind of practice was attacked by Google through the site reputation abuse system. This is the same parasite SEO that was going on. When you stick content on a subdomain of a well-known website and generate traffic, that is parasite SEO.
Now, site reputation abuse system gives manual penalties, not automatic. Scaled content abuse policy was live on 5th March and site reputation policy was live on 7th May. So, through this June spam update, Google has tried to combine these two systems with Google’s other spam systems. Remember, all these systems use the AI algorithm and not all the systems can be merged at the same time.
That’s why when it was live, it must have been lived individually. And through this broad spam update, Google is integrating all the systems. There can be another reason for this update. Recently, Google’s Content Warehouse API data was leaked and there were some revelations about spam detection. Let’s go back a few years.
In 2018, Google launched a system called Spam brain. It used AI algorithms to detect spam in content. This Spam brain system was working consistently. And the credit for the 5 billion spam pages that are detected on Google per day goes to Spam brain. Spam brain system was the first to detect spam in such a large number. This system was so secretive that Google never told the public about it for 4 years.
In April 2022, Google revealed for the first time that Spam brain system is working since 2018. Even after that, Google never revealed much about Spam brain. In December 2022, Google revealed that Spam brain system will not only detect content spam but also backlink spam. It will also detect link spam and link spam.
Spam brain system is very powerful but we don’t get much information about it. In this Content Warehouse API leak, we get to know a lot of new things about Spam brain system. The first thing we get to know is that Spam brain system is not a single system. There are many different versions of this system.
And these different versions might work on different industries’ websites. It is possible that a different version of Spam brain works on YMYL category websites. And a different version of Spam brain works on other websites. But right now, we don’t know how many Spam brain systems are there, how many versions are there, and how they impact on different industries’ websites.
2. How the Spam Brain System Evaluates Web Pages?
it generates a score which is called Spam brain value. This value is assigned to every page. And this value decides how much Spam can be added to that page’s ranking or how much non-Spam can be added to that page’s ranking.
3. Spam Brain Evaluates Both Individual Pages and Entire Domains
The most important thing we get to know is that Spam brain system not only checks individual pages, not only gives a Spam brain value score to those individual pages, but also gives a Spam brain value score to the entire domain.
So, if a website has a high Spam brain value of multiple pages, then it is possible that the Spam brain value of the entire domain is increased by Google. And in such a situation, chances of the entire domain’s ranking decrease. It is very easy to guess that if multiple pages of a website are being counted in Spam category, then your entire domain will be counted in Spam.
This information becomes very important. Because, let’s say, if there is a malware attack on your website or a Japanese keyword hack incident, and suddenly 2 lakhs, 3 lakhs, 4 lakhs Spam pages, Spam URLs are published on your website, and Google also indexes them. So, this means that Google’s Spam brain system, along with 4-5 lakhs URLs, will increase the Spam brain value of your entire domain.
And when you remove these malicious pages, these keyword hack pages from your website, still your website’s overall rank will remain low. Until Google or the Spam brain system believes that all the pages on your website are removed, and only high-quality content is available on your website. This also gives us a hint that if a website used to have a lot of Spam content, which you made unknowingly, or if a lot of Spam pages have been created on your website due to any hack or keyword attack, then you should focus on
publishing good content on your remaining website. You should focus on publishing more content. So that the Spam brain value of your domain has increased, it has come down offset, and the chances of your domain, of every page on your website, to be ranked have increased. We get all this information from Google Content Warehouse API leak.
Now, obviously, Google has not provided much information about this API leak, and it is possible that they might not provide it to us. But we can take this educated guess on the basis of the data we have. So, these were all the points that we know about this Spam update. We have found out from various researches.
And if you get any secret information, share it with us in the comment section. share this information and benefit others.

Read Also:
- Google’s March 2024 Core Update: Enhancing Relevance by Slashing Unhelpful Content by 40%
- SEO Last Month Updates May 2024: youtube,Google Search, Google Ads
- SEO Monthly Update: June 2024 Latest Updates from Google
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