Guide to Office Yoga: 5 Easy Yoga Poses You Can Do at Work
In this connected world, we mostly sit at a desk, staring at a computer screen for hours. Whether working from home or in an office, it can have detrimental effects on our health. An effective way to stay active at work is through office yoga.
Practising yoga poses and sequences at your office desk will minimise the discomfort throughout the day, making it easier for you to focus on work. Try the 5-minute office yoga at your desk to feel tension-free and energised throughout the day.
01. Seated Twist

Start with a simple seated twist. Sit on your chair keeping your back against the backrest. First, inhale. Place your arms on your head, and as you exhale, twist your body to your right. Keep both your hands on the right armrest. Keep your right hand on the seat and your left hand on your right thigh.
02. Shoulder Rolls

If you feel back tension, your fingers feel strained in front of your screen. For this exercise, inhale, bring your hand towards your ears, and bring them back down. On the exhale, move them down and forward. Keep doing the same thing twice in the same direction.
03. Seated Back Bend Pose

When you feel indigestion after your half-day of work, try this one.
It provides a gentle belly stretch and boosts your immunity. Begin your experience by sitting at the front edge of your chair and kneeling on the floor. Make sure your back is off the chair and your spine is not curved. Lean forward and hold your arms back behind you, grabbing the back of the chair. Try to hold your elbows as straight as you can. Keep your shoulder blades back and inhale; keep your shoulder in relaxed mode. Once you are all set, release the pose and sit straight.
04. Stork Pose

Do you find it tough to get out of your chair after a busy day? It may be because your hips tighten and your glutes weaken. You can think of doing a stork post; start by standing in front of your desk and holding it for stability. Now, place your feet on the floor, lift your right knee, and hold it with your right hand. Inhale in this stretch. While inhaling, stretch your abdomen, take your tailbone toward the heel, and lengthen your right knee.
05. Wrist and Finger Movements

When working for hours, take care of your fingers, hands, and wrists. Stretch your arms to each side or overhead every two hours. Next, make 5 circles inward and outward through your wrists. To get rid of tension, spread your fingers wide and close with a quick fist. Also, stretch each arm out and bend inward and outward.
These are the five yoga exercises you can do to feel relaxed, refreshed, and recharged during your hectic days. It is inclusive and suitable for all ages. The best thing about office yoga is that it improves your mental and physical well-being.
Read More: Business India Magazine